Altus Effect
Business and Leadership
Coaching and Mentoring

"Altus" To go high and deep

Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Dreamers
For as long as I can remember my path has been one of support and service; I have always been the one people turn to, in order to get clarity and answers.
Today I develop powerful and successful leaders by creating amazing relationships with people like you - entrepreneurs executives, managers, and dreamers - helping you to carve out the best focus for your greatest success and direction. At the same time, working to eliminating non-productive, (and often difficult to pin down) actions and attitudes that prevent progress.
The truth is, I help you develop self-awareness - even if you believe you already have it - there is always more to learn. And self-awareness equals huge steps forward - seriously.
Get ready for a profound transformative experience. If you have a strong commitment to creating positive change - not just for yourself, but for for your community and the world - schedule a free session to see if coaching is right for you.