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Breaking Free of Imposter Syndrome

Entrepreneurs, C-Suite Executives,

and Business Professionals

Break the Vicious Cycle of Self-Doubt, stop Mistrusting Your Achievements, and have the Confidence to Professionally Thrive.

​Do you:

  • Assume responsibility for things that are beyond your control?

  • Do you hold yourself to a higher standard than everyone else?

  • Do you find it difficult to receive compliments and accolades about your achievements?

  • Do you see yourself in terms of black or white, without room for middle ground? 

  • If you are not perfect, are you a failure?

Are you:

  • No longer willing to accept the feelings of overwhelm and stress as your default?

  • Committed to getting out of your own way and trying something new to deal with self-doubt?

  • Ready to own your authority with confidence?

  • Done forcing yourself to think positively, and ready to take an honest look at what is making you feel anxious and stuck?

  • Ready for an actionable strategy to pull yourself out of this vicious, self-sabotaging cycle?

Your inner critic is there for a reason - find out why.

Learn how to not just manage, but to use your inner critic.

It can be an ally - found out how.

No longer be at the mercy of your inner, self-sabotaging voice.

This is exactly what BREAKING FREE OF IMPOSTER SYNDROME can do for you.


Whether you want to position yourself into the 'C-Suite', prepare for a BONUS, or Increase your Earning Power. These are just a few of the results my clients get and they are possible for you too. 

Regain Confidence, Control, and Joy.

Time to trust yourself and enjoy your achievements without so much stress.

What you get with



Honestly and clearly, identify those things that are 'hard for you', how and why you avoid them, and the underlying beliefs operating that drive your behavior. Learn what you are both gaining, and loosing by continuing to avoid these things and how to reframe them into a positive focus - exchange fear for curiosity.


Recognize, and stop making, blind assumptions. Notice how your assumptions keep you from what you want. Learn to make decisions more confidently and be more productive.


Discover your unique and personal incentive that lets your easily guide your professional direction and confidently make choices that bring you closer to your personal and professional goals. 

$2,495 Value

$3,990 Value

Now Just $795 

Register for "Breaking Free of Imposter Syndrome" Now!

  • Loose 'Imposter Syndrome' forever and boost your professional integrity

  • Develop and refine your leadership style and gain respect and commitment from those with whom you work.

  • Develop a leadership plan based on your professional goals


... and much, MUCH more!

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Register for BREAKING FREE OF IMPOSTER SYNDROME and get the following bonus gifts. The Leadership Style Assessment. Discover how you show up in ways you might not be aware. We all have a shadow side, learn about yours and have greater impact as a leader.


Also included is the Frustration Elimination Process. Learn a simple process for how to determine the real source of any problem and how to create effective solutions that work. 


And finally, get the step-by-step guide to giving Expert Feedback in a way that results in change every time. Confidently address performance and have them coming back for more.

$1,495 Value


About Jayne Donnelly 

Founder of the Altus Effect

For over 25 years I have been working with individuals to achieve extraordinary results and life-changing breakthroughs. I have coached executives and entrepreneurs from around the world to help them get what they want.


My background began with an education in counseling where I honed my skills in listening, analysis, and breaking it all down. My journey included a surprising stretch through the corporate world in the high-tech industry where I learned an entirely different approach to problem solving. And, eventually brought me to coaching - a world where I can support, help, guide, and teach using my knowledge, wisdom, and experience with my own unique style. 


I have certifications as both a Life, and Business coach; the two disciplines are intricately entwined as business coaching is really about developing the leader inside and understanding how this applies to all aspects of business and life. My focus now is on enhancing and improving the lives of entrepreneurs and executives; helping them to take charge of their professional journey.

There is no separation between the professional and personal - it's ALL personal.


Copyright 2019 Altus Effect. All Rights Reserved  


Ashland, OR  97520

​​​​©  2019 by Altus Effect Coaching & Mentoring

Jayne Clary, CEO & Founder, Altus Effect

+1(541) 301-9732,

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